Friday, September 12, 2008


Hi there random net person!

I'm Brandon. This blog is going to detail my efforts, both large and small, to separate myself from the grid, short term and long term.

Why "desero"? Honestly because every variant on exit was taken, including latin terms. But desero is Latin for abandon and that's what I suggest, abandoning the systems which you feel are harmful. So it'll do :)

You may have heard the expression “voting with your feet”, or maybe the related concept the Dollar vote. If not allow me to explain. The basic idea is that participation implies support regardless of expression. This is important in a society where less than half of us vote.

I've found that when you're in a system of any sort and you feel it needs to change you have basically two universal non-violent options. One is to change the system via influence, climb to the top and tell everyone else what's what. The other is to exit. All social systems are built out of and on top of people, that's why they call them social. Thus, any time you exit, anytime you withdraw your participation, you make a system as a whole weaker. Now I'm sure the social Darwinists in the crowd will object saying that if the person exiting was somehow harmful to the system their removal could be seen as a benefit, and I'll grant that possibility, but I'm speaking of people as a whole, behaviorally independent.

Think of it like a hand. Sure if you remove the weakest finger your hand in a sense has become stronger, but you can see the peril implicit in that line of thinking.

Now, many of us simply have never thought about exit as an option before, because they think physical exit is the only valid one. But there are other kinds of exit, and some are arguably far more effective. Consider the potential for change related to boycotts, walkouts, strikes, etc. For as long as groups of people have existed, people have expressed their distaste non-violently by simply leaving or, and this is the point of this blog, withholding participation.

Some on the other hand have thought about this, and find themselves trapped. They for reason of family, and or fixed assets cannot relocate either figuratively or literally, so they think. I am one of those.

As a man once said, Times, they are a'changin. New technologies are being developed everyday which aid us. Technology doesn't always mean gadgets, it means any developed human tool, thus technique is a form of technology.

I'm accustomed to writing philosophy and opinion so if this sounds a bit preachy so far that's why, bear with me.

This blog is a chronicle of my efforts and thoughts relating to practical exit while retaining my physical location. The emphasis will be on practical data, IE what I actually did, what I actually am doing, and what actually happened as a result.

The scale of these efforts will grow when if I become more successful.

Either way this should be useful to you, like the coffee mug says, at the very least I can serve as a bad example.

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